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Pago por publicacion de articulos / Article Processing Charges (APCs) – Modulo Arquitectura CUC

$ 525

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  • $ COP

Once the process of double-blind peer review and acceptance by the editor in chief has been completed, the authors will be notified of the publication decision and will be invited to make a payment for publication of articles which is priced at 500 USD per publication, once the payment has been made please send the receipt to educosta@cuc.edu.co attaching the support of the same and the title of the article paid along with the notification of acceptance. If payment for publication is not received within 2 months, the publication process of the article will be cancelled and the authors will be notified.

The apc positions are intended to provide financial support to the processes of layout, proofreading, technology platform and editorial services incurred by the journal to generate a scientific publication.

National payments 

For national payments please send your transfer to the account of Editorial universitaria de la Costa Banco Davivienda N° 027269997188, NIT: 9010956076.

Please send the support of your payment to the e-mail educosta@cuc.edu.co indicating the authors and publication data of the article, to issue the invoice to the proof of payment please fill in the data in the form.

International payments

For international payments, please use your PayPal account as you normally would. Once we have confirmed receipt of your payment, we will contact you as soon as possible.

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